Thanks to decades of experience and ITS know-how, BRAUMS can provide customised quotations tailored to suit your needs. Take the guess-work out of traffic signal, signage and bracket quantities and allow BRAUMS to provide an accurate quotation for your intersection, whether it be brand new or a reconstruction.

For local customers, BRAUMS are also delighted to offer their lantern assembly service. For a fixed fee per lantern, BRAUMS personnel can carefully and accurately assemble lanterns complete with visors, target boards and lantern straps, and even mark out which lantern belongs to which post, making it possible for lanterns to be collected from your local BRAUMS warehouse and take straight to site. This saves time and money, and with no packaging to throw away, is environmentally friendly as well.
With high stock levels in all BRAUMS warehouses, turnaround times between a request for quotation (RFQ) to having the lantern ready for pick-up is minimal, allowing our customers to get on with the work at hand.
Contact your local BRAUMS office today and see how we can help you!