Upcoming Trade Shows
As distributors and Industry professionals in the fields of
Public Space & Roads Lighting, Traffic Signaling Devices and Portable Signage Devices, BRAUMS
participates in trade events related to the Lighting, road traffic control and
management industry worldwide.
BRAUMS' products are designed for use worldwide and can cope
with the varying environmental constraints of Lighting, signalling systems,
voltage, frequency and regulatory compliance.
As such, BRAUMS actively
participates in trade shows that take place around the world, both as an
exhibitor with stands and products to market, but as an attendant where new
information and products are put on show.
BRAUMS also distributes
products that originate elsewhere for sale in Australia where the product meets
the harsh conditions of operation in Australia and complement BRAUMS' products
and services.

Stay tuned. Announcements to follow as we get closer to the event dates. Rest assured BRAUMS is committed to the world's industry events.

Stay tuned. Announcements to follow as we get closer to the event dates. Rest assured BRAUMS is committed to the world's industry events.